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GLS 的德语证书 在德国得到许多雇主甚至一些大学的认可. 还有更多信息关于 GLS 的语言证书. 如果你想在德国工作, 你的德语水平要在 B1/B2 的级数就可以通过 (请用线上测验测试).

  • 德国的职业培训/大学学业 - 签证须知:

作为中国公民,你上德国的大学需要学生签证: 要得到学生签证,你需要一所德国大学的入学许可书。所以你应该先申请一所德国大学,然后才申请学生签证。请看看这里一些关于签证规定的一般信息,还有 德国的大学就读课程.


... 你必须一再用语言证书提出关于你的德语能力的证明 (德福证书 TestDaF 或 大学语言考试证明DSH 或者是 - 如果是艺术音乐专业的话 - 歌德文凭 Goethe B1). GLS 帮你准备所有语言证书的考试 (还有更多信息关于 语言考试准备课程).

  1. Work & Travel in Germany
    Working Holidays visas for Germany are available for citizens of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan - they allow you to stay for 12 months and you can earn some money by jobbing in Germany. More about the working holiday scheme in Germany
  2. Working in qualified jobs in Germany
    Germany has a skilled worker shortage in some professional fields - if you are a skilled worker and interested in working in Germany, have a look at this website for recommendations and tips.
  3. Internships in Germany
    If you´d like to get a taste of what working in Germany is like, GLS can place you as an intern in a German company or institution. The internships are unpaid and always in Berlin - more about the GLS internship program in Berlin